Alexander Ballinger

The Lehman Trilogy | The Piccadilly Theatre
The Lehman Trilogy | The Piccadilly Theatre
About Alexander

Alexander trained at London College of Music

West End credits; Supernummery in THE LEHMAN TRILOGY (The Piccadilly Theatre)

Other stage credits include: Supernummery in THE LEHMAN TRILOGY (The National Theatre Actor in LA FORZA DEL DESTINO (Royal Opera House); Solider in MEMORIAL (Barbican Centre); Ensemble in THE LEHMAN TRILOGY (National Theatre); Kaspar in JACKPOT (Rehearsed Reading at Hackney Attic); Lance Percy in EAT ZAGI (Immersive Theatre at JW3).

Audio Plays include: Kieran in LEMON DROPS (Shark Helping Fish).

Short Films include: Slave in CHOKE (Panton Productions); Alex in UNDO (Filmtrix)
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